COVID Protocols (Approved by Board of Trustees, May 10, 2021)
Be aware, the protocols will be examined and updated periodically.
- 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service will remain masked, choir included. Preachers/and speakers are free to speak without a mask.
- 11:00 Traditional service will be a mask optional service. We do ask that you still wear a mask while singing. Preachers/speakers are free to speak without a mask, as well as the choir.
- 11 INTERSECTION we ask you to wear a mask while singing and visiting before/after service. Masks may be removed while sitting at your table. Preachers/speakers are free to speak without a mask, as well as the praise team.
- We do ask individuals to wear masks in common spaces (narthex, hallways, etc).
- Masks are not required outside.
- Sign-ups are no longer required for worship.
Sunday School
- We leave it to the discretion of individual classes regarding if they require masks.
- Let the staff know if the current class configuration/space is not suitable for your needs.
Students and Kids
- We will follow the guidelines for Madison Public schools regarding masks throughout this school year. We will reassess in the coming weeks.
- Due to children being unable to be vaccinated we will require teachers and volunteers to remain masked with our children.
Other areas
- Coffee will now be served on Sunday mornings.
St. Matthew’s COVID Team
Zack Farmer
John Fraiser
Will Gray
Rusty Healey
Brent Powell
Dr. Thais Walden
Scott Waller
Rev. Andy Stoddard
Rev. Erin Hicks
Rev. Brian Johnston
Kate Gibbs, Director of Children’s Ministry
Jason Anding, Director of Student Ministry
Tim Rigby, Minister of Music