
To register for the meal you can: 

  • Call the church office at 601-856-9581.

The fellowship meal is in the Hart Hall Gym from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

Programming for all ages

Begins @ 6 PM

Children’s Choir and Activities/Bible Story.

2 years and under in Nursery

3-5 years old in RM 111

Grades K-2 go to choir

3rd -5th go Upstairs to Rm 215 for Bible

K-5th are split up and rotate to Bible and choir

Youth (7th-12th Grade) meet in the South Property.




Adult class options:

1. Soul Sisters meets in the Parlor and is led by Shelby Trusty. 

2. Rev Andy Stoddard is leading a study through the Bible in the Sanctuary.

3. *New Class* 3 Teachers: Melissa Godbold, Jay Jefferies, & Charles Stewart will rotate.

Are you interested in leading a study on Wednesday Nights? Or being involved with children or youth? Let us know in the office! We want to hear from you!